Modern School Portraits®

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3 Ways to Back Up Your High-Res Image Files

With children, we all know that spills can happen at any second. Sometimes our phones are dropped in the pool, tossed across the room, or our computers get juice spilled across it. In a flash, all of your photos and videos can be wiped away.

Digital photos are amazing, so we have to remember to BACK THEM UP. Losing your files is always so heart breaking, but preventable. We want you to have your photos forever and be able to look back on them in ten, twenty, plus years!

So PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE back up your images with one of these 3 ways:


After you purchase your digital school pictures, you should immediately start by backing up your images to a storage of choice.

You can do this on either a solid-state drive(SSD) or a hard disk drive(HDD). A HDD is storage technology that use spinning disks to read/write data. A SSD has no moving parts so not only is it more likely to protect your pictures if it falls, but they are smaller, faster, and more reliable. Overall, there are so many options that suit every budget and preference.


I know, too many acronyms… NAS stands for Network Attached Storage. You can think of it as your very own storage network where you can easily access your photos and files through a network instead of your computer directly. If you want a reliable storage system, this is it.


The last option is one that is quite popular…Cloud Storage. There are so many different options out there for free and paid subscriptions, depending on the amount of storage you need.

We have all been there where our phone is maxed out of storage and you have to delete off photos. With cloud storage, you can delete the original off your phone but still access it on your phone through the cloud app (i.e. Apple iCloud). This way, you can access your files anytime and even share them with family!

See this gallery in the original post